Tuesday, August 22, 2006

For the fourth of July we went to Lake Louisa with my family. Laurel played with Lucy and Jesse the whole time.

Tyler will kill me for this picture one day when he is older! He was hanging out on the boat with Laurel's Barbie life vest because we didn't have any others that would fit any better that weren't wet.

We roasted marshmallows and the next door neighbors came over to join us for a treat. Zachary was having a ball with his friend, Will.

In June the kids and I went to Harrisonburg for a week to visit with Nannie, Papa, GeGe, and lots of friends. we went to Vacation Bible School at our old church, Laurel took horseback riding lessons and worked at a Butterfly pavilion with Nannie and GeGe.

We got to spend a lot of time with the Kiracofe's.
Here are Parker, Mycala, Farra, and Zachary.

Laurel with Tony the pony.

Later in the week our great friends, the Bashaws came and stayed with us...Zachary and Jack play like they've been together every day. Laurel and David act like an old married couple!

We got to visit with Laurel's preschool buddy, Madeline Hall and her mom and sister, Danielle.

Tyler playing at the Kiracofe's house