First Day Of School
Lots of firsts this past week! Laurel's first day of school was Monday. She is having a very hard time adjusting this year so pray for her if you would. She cries thinking about going to school and cries while she is at school because she wants to come home. Her two best friends are in another class and she says, "I just want to be home with you, Mom!" She does look so cute in her uniform, though!

Zachary's first day of preschool was Tuesday and he LOVES it. He cries because he can't go everyday and pouts around the house on the days he doesn't get to go.
This is exactly opposite of what I thought would happen...I thought my first grader would love school! She has been interested in learning since birth, started reading by age 4 and always wants to learn more! "Give me a math test, mom! Test me, Mom!" and Zachary has never shown too much interest until just recently. I thought for sure he would complain kicking and screaming all the way to school. Just when you think you have them figured out....

This is exactly opposite of what I thought would happen...I thought my first grader would love school! She has been interested in learning since birth, started reading by age 4 and always wants to learn more! "Give me a math test, mom! Test me, Mom!" and Zachary has never shown too much interest until just recently. I thought for sure he would complain kicking and screaming all the way to school. Just when you think you have them figured out....
Wow! I have to agree! I thought it would be the total opposite! They look so good Chrissy!
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