Today is Me day. Chuck took the kids to visit Grandma Sandy and Grandpa Carl and to watch the Clemson game. I had asked a month or so ago if I could PLEASE have a break so he arranged this little trip as day gift for me. I have done nothing productive all day except visit my friend and her new baby in the hospital. I downloaded some pictures and thought I would post them and some others while I had a few more hours of uninerrupted time. Thank you Chuck for a little bit of time to do nothing! To hear no whining, to have no agenda, to have to fix no dinner, to change no diapers....
Today is Me day. Chuck took the kids to visit Grandma Sandy and Grandpa Carl and to watch the Clemson game. I had asked a month or so ago if I could PLEASE have a break so he arranged this little trip as day gift for me. I have done nothing productive all day except visit my friend and her new baby in the hospital. I downloaded some pictures and thought I would post them and some others while I had a few more hours of uninerrupted time. Thank you Chuck for a little bit of time to do nothing! To hear no whining, to have no agenda, to have to fix no dinner, to change no diapers....
Amy, these pictures are for you in answer to your blog question about the best pet to have. These two new family members have been great pets! Very little work and entertaining when you want them to be. We got "Emma" (the larger of the two) first as we left the beach and decided once we got home that "she" needed a friend so we had mom get "Barnabas" (named by my cousin Kristen) as she was leaving the beach. I thought I killed Emma by giving her a bath in water that may have been a little too hot for her and mom thought she killed Barney when she left him in the hot car probably a little longer than she should have. But all is well they are both still living six weeks later and still entertaining us whenever we have time for them.
As of this morning, I am officially a soccer mom. Chuck is coaching Laurel's team, the Shark's and today was the first game. That is Chuck in the orange hat (showing off his Clemson team spirit) and that is Laurel fixing her shorts and shin guards. She is walking in the background in the second picture. At this age they don't keep score, but according to Laurel, her team scored the most.

LUCKY! Dave has drill this weekend so not only is there no break, I'm doing the single Mom thing.
I love the crabs! Good idea! Easy and no messy stuff. Can't be too much $$$ either.
I need to get up the road to see you. I really miss you guys.
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