Sunday, March 15, 2009

I accomplised my goal! and don't forget to vote for Menus4Moms!
My goal was to complete one more week of picture-of-the-day layouts and I actually finished it last night! So maybe by the end of today I will get another one done! These lazy, rainy days when the kids actually play together allow me to do some things that I normally don't get to do!
Keep going down the page for a little video of
Zachary playing basement b-ball....

credits: date brads "P365" by Greenfield Original; paper "I Miss You" by Sya's Bluprints; swirl "WinterShabby" by snoflake Beach Design; template by Katy Larson
He shoots...he scores!


Tammy said...

love the page layout!! Does he normally make that shot?? That was impressive.