Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Hey all my faithful blog readers... I haven't been here in a few days but we've been busy here at our house. We had a nice Easter with 27 people over! It was a beautiful day so we could be outside, thank goodness! I don't think I could have fit everyone in my house.

I've also been trying to do some more scrapbooking lately and have found that speed scraps help me get pages done. I have specific instructions and don't have 5000 I just get it done. It's amazing how many pages I've gotten done lately. I also have met a lot of friendly ladies over at Stuff to Scrap. Kathy from The Latest Scoop, Too let me play with her new kit, Every Day Matters Too, Home and Family...

...and here are a couple of pages I did with the kit.

Thanks so much for letting me play with this kit, Kathy! Just knowing that you are looking for pages helps me to get pages done! The feeling of completing lots of pages is great! Keep those great kits coming!


Kathy said...

Chrissy, these are super cute pages! Love them! Thanks so much for helping me out! I so appreciate you!!

Hyun Joo said...


I love the new theme of your blog! I see now you blog more often with your digital scrapping! How have you been? We are really enjoying our life in Korea and I love it! it's been 3 1/2 months already.

Tell everyone we said Hi...Ji Won and Ji soo asked me about Laurel tell her the girls said hi as well.

Hyun Joo